new year, new you.

January 4, 2016

new year, new you | reading my tea leaves
I’m an admitted resolution junkie. 

On New Years Eve, I filled up three pages in a tiny journal with ideas for self-improvement and goal-getting that run the gamut from utterly attainable to Pollyanna dream-girl bonkers. Then I suggested James to do the same. Spousal coercion aside, here’s the truth of it: You’ll never accomplish what you don’t attempt. Literally. And thinking of something to attempt, well, that’s the first step.

This week, I decided I’ll spare you my complete list of resolutions, and present instead, three posts with easy resolutions related to the things that I write about in this space: home, and wardrobe, and the evergreen goal of being kinder to the Earth. No surprise, these are resolutions written with an eye toward simplifying. Some of these are things that I’ve been doing for years—and some of them I’ve written about before—but there are also things that I’m resolving to commit to for the first time. They all have the three-fold benefit of benefiting my home, my peace of mind, and the planet I call home.

Here’s hoping these ideas offer a little bit of encouragement in the new year. We all need a little nudge now and then. Me, especially.

PS. Many thanks to Nicole for whiling away a morning taking shots of my face. New year, new me.

For the curious:
My blouse was a gift from Pas de Calais.
My jeans are the same pair I’ve worn in every single one of the photos of me on this blog in the past four months. These ones. More on jeans, HERE.

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  • Reply Melanie January 4, 2016 at 10:23 am

    Happy New Year!! Best wishes on your resolutions!

  • Reply Rita Tocta January 4, 2016 at 11:58 am

    Can’t wait for the posts! In the beautiful mess of life I’ve discovered that, at least in the beginning of this year, being simple is asking from me to also simplify my resolutions. There are changes I can’t do all at the same time and I’ll have to wait.
    On a side note, I looove your new photo! It so much personal and warm! Happy New Year!

  • Reply catie January 4, 2016 at 12:13 pm

    happy new year, erin!
    “here’s the truth of it: You’ll never accomplish what you don’t attempt.”

  • Reply Miya January 4, 2016 at 1:06 pm

    Happy 2016!

    I can’t wait to read your posts as you accomplish these goals. This year I have decided to just be better. Self improvement in many little and big ways. If I’m happy, then I am able to make my family and home happy. May we all achieve our dreams! 2016, we are coming for you!

  • Reply Kim January 4, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    Happy New Year Erin! As a new years gift to myself I just pre-ordered your book, can’t wait to read it! I was just admiring your About picture in the top right hand corner, would you mind sharing where that scarf is from?
    As for resolutions I think I am going to keep it simple this year and just try to be more kind. To myself, to others, the planet.
    All the best for 2016!

  • Reply Heather January 4, 2016 at 8:30 pm

    I too wear the same jeans every day, and I found (thrifted) the perfect pair three months ago. Only, a couple days ago I took a really bad tumble on concrete. I sprained my wrist, bruised my ribs, scraped my knee, and (worst of all) tore a hole in my jeans! So I guess, one of my new resolutions will be to find another perfect pair of jeans. 🙁

    When I was younger, I used to declare that I would achieve Total Organization. Now I’m going for Mostly Organized. I also like Kim’s idea to be more kind.

    • Reply Erin Boyle January 4, 2016 at 8:33 pm

      Oh dear! Sounds like a quite a tumble! Hope you’re healing well!

  • Reply LITTERLESS January 4, 2016 at 8:59 pm

    Yes to this! I’m all about resolutions – excited to see yours. Mine are as yet vague, nebulous plans floating around in my head. The best one might be Woody Guthrie’s “Stay Glad,” which you shared earlier. If “be kinder” and “stay more glad” were the only things that got done this year, I’d have a pretty good year I reckon! Xo.

  • Reply Kelimuttu January 13, 2016 at 3:40 am

    Happy new year, Erin.
    Hi-five for the resolution junkie! (:

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