make-believe: kite flying.

September 14, 2016

kite-flyingSeptember feels like a good month to fly a kite in. Blame it on the preponderance of kites in children’s books, but Faye is very into them lately and I’m sure at any moment I’ll cave and we’ll welcome one into our tiny abode. For now, our own kite flying is still in the realm of the imagination.

Herewith, the accompanying accessories for an afternoon spent chasing a strong wind.

A perfectly magical sailing ship kite.

A simple crop to stay comfortable during summer’s last gasp.

Light blue sailor pants. (Cause if there’s one thing that’s 100% make-believe right now, it’s me in a pair of high-waisted pants.)

linen and brass beauty for a dash of elegance.

Leather sneaks, the better to run with.

Tiny overall shorts for the tiny human by my side.

Shoes to match Mama.

golden crown for good measure.

bucket tote for stashing necessities.

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  • Reply Caroline September 14, 2016 at 8:04 am

    That truly is a magical kite – and I love the addition of a crown! A kite flying expedition seems like the right time for a bit of a whimsy 🙂

  • Reply EMac September 14, 2016 at 8:50 am

    While the outfit is not my taste; I must admit it would make for a pretty ethereal kite flying experience! Wouldn’t you love to stage a photo shoot with all of the above?!?!

  • Reply jane September 14, 2016 at 9:06 am

    I think I have almost every one of these items pinned too! 🙂 Lovely together!

  • Reply Leslie September 14, 2016 at 9:49 am

    Speaking of kites, try and find a great children’s book, The Sea Breeze Hotel. Magical.

  • Reply Mary Kate September 14, 2016 at 11:25 am

    I love the crop top high waisted look but I just can’t get it to work for my body type so sadly that is one trend I will just observe from afar (while I wait for fit and flare dresses to come back into style)

  • Reply MissEm September 14, 2016 at 11:33 am

    Those are the best kite flying outfits – you are brilliant!

  • Reply Linda September 14, 2016 at 11:39 am

    My brother and I used to make our own kites using newspaper and chopsticks! This post brings back fond memories. 🙂

    • Reply Erin Boyle September 14, 2016 at 11:48 am


  • Reply Allegra September 14, 2016 at 2:31 pm

    One of my favorite books as a young child was about a boy who loved to fly kites. It’s The Mountains of Tibet:

    Kite flying is about to happen as part of Dasain, a festival in Nepal celebrating victories of Hindu gods over various demons, which occurs soon. Everyone gets two weeks off from school and work (well, government work), and people fly kites to symbolize freedom. Absolutely lovely!

  • Reply Sophie September 14, 2016 at 9:04 pm

    My husband and I, before we were married, once made a kite almost as tall as I am over our New Year holiday and took it to the beach to see if it would fly (it did, although it took a very strong breeze to get it off the ground). Thanks for rekindling a happy memory – it’s definitely something we’ll do again with our son when he’s old enough!

  • Reply Kate September 15, 2016 at 8:49 pm

    Ha, I’m eight and a half weeks pregnant (not showing) and I can’t even contemplate regular jeans, let alone high waisted ones. Fly those kites, mama.

  • Reply Tanya September 16, 2016 at 9:51 pm

    There are some beautiful ones … Fun at the park, art on the wall at home!

  • Reply Kaitlyn September 19, 2016 at 11:33 pm

    Just seeing this post and had to comment — I purchased the smaller indigo ship kite last year from Haptic Labs ($40 on their site) at the Brooklyn Museum gift shop, if you haven’t had a chance to suss out the look and feel in person. The “small” version is actually quite large when constructed. I gave it to my sister as a Christmas gift for my nephew, who was 6 weeks at the time (so let’s be real–it was really a gift for her and a nod to our own kite related adventures, ha)! Since her nursery is loosely navy/nautical theme, she decided to use it as securely hung mobile in the corner over his crib so they could both enjoy it year round through Connecticut winters. It is adorable! I would recommend it as the more budget-friendly and perfectly sized for smaller spaces version!

  • Reply Hannah November 22, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    May I ask what program you use to make these mood boards? I love them for inspiration!


    • Reply Erin Boyle November 22, 2016 at 7:19 pm


  • Reply Melissa Reed August 31, 2017 at 10:58 am

    I JUST discovered your blog this morning and I’m obsessed. I wanna be your best friend!
    Thank you for sharing yourself with the world.
    Also: I have that ship kite in white. It hangs in my living room and it’s PERFECTLY PERFECT.
    You can see it if you scroll down a bit on my Instagram. @create_space_melissa

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