a back-to-school giveaway with skillshare.

September 13, 2016


This post is sponsored by Skillshare, an online learning community for creative skills.

In the spirit of heading back to school, I’m partnering with Skillshare to encourage you guys to try out a class or ten this fall. If you need a refresher: Skillshare is an online community for learning creative skills of all stripes. For as little as $8 a month, users have access to thousands of classes taught by experts in their fields. I started taking their watercolor classes earlier this spring, but Skillshare’s roster includes classes on topics from design and business, to photography, tech, crafts, film, writing, and cooking.

If you fancy yourself the expert, you can also sign up to be a Skillshare instructor and teach a class of your own (and get paid for it!). Head here to redeem a special offer: three months of unlimited classes for just $.99 cents. Or try your luck: today, we’re offering one lucky reader a full year scholarship to Skillshare Premium. 

The scholarship is good for any kind of classes the winner might desire, but we’re also sending along a care package with a set of watercolor paints, a stack of blank watercolor postcards, and a waterbrush. Just a little something to get you started in case you’re feeling moved to try your own hand at painting a postcard or two. (Sign up in the embedded form at the bottom of the post for your chance to win!) skillshare_reading_my_tea_leaves_img_3509

For my part, I’ve been busy continuing to play with watercolors and dip into classes with Skillshare. I recently enrolled in a few new classes and have been using much-needed downtime in the evening to hone my skills. 

Waterbrush Lettering Essentials is all about learning to hand letter with watercolors. Personally, it helped me to better know the waterbrushes I’ve been using. (It also made me realize that even if I’m not going to fall in love with my particular handwriting overnight, there are still techniques I can continue to work on to improve my lettering skills.) skillshare_reading_my_tea_leaves_img_3527

Modern Watercolor Florals: 3 Ways was really up my alley. None of the flower styles were exactly what I’ve ended up trying to develop on my own, but all of the lessons offered something new for me to take away—and gave me the confidence that I could make something that looked flower-like, if not perfect. Progress! I really appreciated the straightforward style and can-do-it spirit of the instructor. skillshare_reading_my_tea_leaves_img_3582

The class Creating Magical Patterns with Simple Watercolors and Pencil Drawings was especially interesting to me, because I’ve discovered that I actually really enjoy creating simple patterns with my paints. In the evening before bed, I can sit for a half an hour just making patterns in my watercolor sketch pad. (Meditative!) I love manipulating the gradients of the paint and the style of the brushstrokes to make an interesting repeating pattern and it was fascinating to have the chance to learn more about how that can be done more professionally (and with the help of Photoshop!). skillshare_reading_my_tea_leaves_img_3592

In an effort to get out of my notebook a bit, I’ve been working on a little series of postcards that I can use to mail to friends this fall. They’re not super fancy and I’ve got skills that need improving, but they’re a little something to show for my efforts and I really kind of love them. skillshare_reading_my_tea_leaves_img_3599

To enter the giveaway, enter your email address into the form below. (By entering you agree to join Skillshare’s mailing list.) The giveaway closes September 20, 2016 at 11:59 pm ET. A winner will be contacted directly on September 21, 2016.

Even if you’re not the winner, use the special code RMTL99 to sign up for three months of Skillshare for just $0.99. Offer expires 10/10/2016.

This post was sponsored by Skillshare. Thanks so much for supporting the brands that support Reading My Tea Leaves.

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  • Reply Traci September 13, 2016 at 8:13 am

    Fingers crossed. Skillshare has been on my radar for a while. :]

    Your photos are beautiful!

  • Reply EMac September 13, 2016 at 8:52 am

    I have been dying to try a calligraphy/hand lettering class. I love my handwriting and long to make it art-beautiful!

  • Reply Libby September 13, 2016 at 9:37 am

    Oh my goodness! This was going to be my birthday gift to myself. Subsequently, I’ve never wanted to win a giveaway so badly in all my life!

  • Reply charlene September 13, 2016 at 10:03 am

    your postcards are lovely ~ I never knew about Skillshare until today and would love to win this ! Thx for sharing 🙂

  • Reply Francesca September 13, 2016 at 10:37 am

    Your watercolor flowers are gorgeous. Can I e-mail you my address so I can get a postcard too? And loving the waterbrush lettering. Great job!

    • Reply Erin Boyle September 13, 2016 at 1:44 pm

      Ha! Thank you! This is more of a friends and family kind of mailing 😉

  • Reply Amanda September 13, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    I have been dying to try Skillshare–and watercolor! Thank you so much for this offer. Fingers crossed!

  • Reply Barbara September 13, 2016 at 5:06 pm

    Now that even my youngest girl is finally at school I really have time for myself and using that to learn something new will be super! Fingers crossed!!

  • Reply Laura September 14, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    Great way to expand our knowledge and creativity. I tried to sign up with your code and skillshare is not accepting it. Please let them know. Have a beautiful day

    • Reply Erin Boyle September 15, 2016 at 6:52 am

      Thanks so much, Laura. If you follow the link to sign up, you actually should be prompted to receive the 3 months without really even needing to enter the code. Is it possible you’ve already redeemed the offer at another time? I do think it will only work for first-time users!

  • Reply Alexia September 20, 2016 at 9:04 pm

    Oh wow, what an amazing opportunity! I feel all this creativity inside me but do not know how to get it out! I would love to learn some skills! Also it will help me on my recovery from my burnout, as being creative can help the healing process!
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  • Reply Ophelia de Serres September 20, 2016 at 9:48 pm

    This homeschooling mama would love this for the little ones (and myself too!)

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