four things to do before voting.

October 25, 2018

Sitting around with a pit in your stomach doesn’t feel very good. Putting a spare hour or two to good use and making sure you’re informed, ready to vote, and bringing as many friends to the polls as possible feels much, much better. 

Four things to do ahead of November 6:

+ Find your polling place (and know your voting rights). 

+ Find out about your local races. There’s nothing worse than walking into the a polling booth and not recognizing the names on the ballot. Unfortunately, it’s a pretty common experience. Check out your local newspapers and radio stations and find a voting guide from folks you respect. (Vote Save America has great information on local races and voting guidelines, too!)

Sign up with a GOTV organization. The Last Weekend is making it easy for folks to sign up for simple initiatives based on the amount of time you have to give and the place where you live. 

+ Get out a piece of chalk and send a simple message to your community. I’m not gonna be able to hit every sidewalk in Brooklyn before election today, but together, we can reach well beyond Brooklyn. In fact, I’ve calculated that a stick of chalk gets me down an average of ~4-5 blocks. If everyone who follows me on Instagram alone pledged to use up one full stick of chalk in their neighborhood, we’d cover 200,000 city blocks with positive encouragement for civic engagement. Are you in? Chalk with your friends! Chalk with your kids! Chalk on your date night! Chalk on your walk to school! Take a photo? Share it with #chalkthevote? Let’s do it.

PS. TONS more excellent GOTV resources

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  • Reply Anna October 25, 2018 at 12:39 pm

    I was pleasantly surprised to find that has information on candidates for local as well as state races. It is probably more informative to get information locally, but I think this is a useful resource as well.

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE October 25, 2018 at 2:27 pm

      Awesome, thank you!

  • Reply Caroline October 25, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    Hi, I’d also encourage everyone to got to to check your registration status, even if you believe you’re already registered. We live in Brooklyn, and my husband just checked his; he wasn’t listed, despite having updated his registration address via the DMV in September.

  • Reply Anna October 26, 2018 at 12:17 pm

    Voted early in North Carolina! Plan to do some chalk the vote work once the rain goes away. 🙂

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE October 26, 2018 at 12:22 pm

      So glad!!!


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