my week in objects (mostly).

March 20, 2020

as so many small businesses face uncertainty about the future, i decided to fill my list this week with objects that made my week, which i’ve also happened to buy locally from favorite shops. their storefronts are closed, but their little web shops are still up and running, in case you have the means to support them.

1. this cheery pillowcase from collyer’s mansion; this beloved book from stories.

{because in the constant jumble of pillow forts, it’s nice to have something good to read and pretty to look at.}

2. this hand cream from salter house.

{the best smelling thing in my house and just what my poor dry hands need.}

3. these animals from acorn toy shop.

{for being so loved.}

4. this book from books are magic.

all the rage

{because if ever there were a time to reevaulate how your hetero relationship distributes labor, this is it bbs.}

5. this little pot from grdn.

{for nurturing a little bit of green.}

other things:

this is going to be messy and that is OK.

terrible things happen, but it is still possible to move forward with love and hope.

home office/home daycare.

interchangeable ingredients.

home isn’t always a safe place.

power dressing.

so why would they listen to something about women?


and, in case you missed it, i launched an online class this week on skillshare. in these uncertain times, your support of this free class will help keep reading my tea leaves afloat. if you watch it, and like it, please share the link widely: i’d be so grateful.

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  • Reply Ellen Anderman March 20, 2020 at 2:09 pm

    Thank you, Erin, for coming back on-line just in time. Each morning, I check into your blog and admire your eye for beauty in simplicity and the everyday, as I have for years. I am seeking to order from Salter House as I live in the West (between rural New Mexico, where I am now sheltering in place, and Denver, which, by reports is emptied and scared. I’d like to support you and your makers, and will check into your new course. Keep going! We love you and all you do.

  • Reply Kate March 20, 2020 at 5:55 pm

    To someone who does not shirk in the face of impossibly hard and scary things – an enormous thank you (especially amidst tending to a newborn, your postpartum self, childcare at home, work at home, a marriage, etc., etc.). Your words help articulate what some of our hearts are struggling to sort, and your light continues to uplight and embolden us. Grateful for you, Erin!

  • Reply elisabeth March 20, 2020 at 6:24 pm

    hi! just a question about the course. do you know if you can cancel skillshare memberships after the free trial is over? would love view it but worried about another bill at the moment!

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE March 20, 2020 at 8:25 pm

      Yes! You can cancel anytime!

  • Reply Cynthia March 22, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    Do you ever think about going to your parents’ home during this time? It seems like more room, more hands and arms, and ready, crowd-free outdoor space would be a welcome relief. Wishing you all the best during these difficult times. Calder will have many stories to hear about her first year of life on earth!

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE March 22, 2020 at 9:16 pm

      We haven’t. Though the outdoor space would be very welcome, we’re committed to practicing social distancing and keeping my parents safe from possible infection from our troop of ever-germy kiddos.


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