my week in objects (mostly).

May 8, 2020

1. these food scraps.

{an attempt to grow something new.}

2. this list.

list | reading my tea leaves

{an attempt at remembering to eat all the fresh stuff.}

3. this gravel.

gravel | reading my tea leaves

{an attempt at treasure collecting.}

4. these elastics.

elastics | reading my tea leaves

{at attempt at making little masks easier for small people.}

5. this jar.

baby socks | reading my tea leaves

{an attempt at keeping track of tiny socks.}

other things:

run with maud.

nyc absentee!

love in corona.


wherever you are.

3 percent of women agree.

birthday candles.

the great grocery unpack.

covid explained.

my kingdom for a foraged flower.

more bartering.

calling all parents and parents-to-be.


For those who have so kindly asked, a few simple ways to continue to keep this blog afloat:

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This post includes affiliate links. Reading My Tea Leaves might earn a small commission on the goods purchased through those links.

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  • Reply Jessica May 9, 2020 at 1:09 pm

    I love these posts so much and really look forward to seeing them every week. Something about seeing these little fragments of someone else’s day/life feels so special. From one Brooklyn gal to another, sending love x

  • Reply Anna May 9, 2020 at 5:27 pm

    Hi Erin,

    just wanted to leave a big THANK YOU for your work in the midst of these crazy times. Ever so often – when everything seems unsure, it is such a pleasure to visit your (beautiful, calm & simple!) space here to read through your posts (new and old) and I also enjoy your pictures l! Somehow it is reassuring that small and simple things matter too.
    By the way I am just impressed how you manage everything at the moment with 3 kids at home. (Have “just” one keeping me busy and working nights). Whenever you have more advice on keeping sane, looking forward!

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