my week in objects (mostly).

July 17, 2020

1. this dollhouse.

{in a new spot.}

2. this garden posy.

{and being able to pick it myself.}

3. this sleeping baby.

{in her grandparents’ house.}

4. this razor.

{and the deep-dive i went on this week (more soon).}

5. this bed.

{and the feeling of coming back home again.}

other things:

salt eaters.

4-5 times.

just give them a bag of flour.

a risk and benefit matrix.

not a wood nymph fantasy.

the system that killed her is not set up to provide justice.

dispatches from 1918.



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  • Reply Helen July 17, 2020 at 6:23 pm

    I suggested outdoor class to my “reopening committee” and was reminded we don’t have “active shooter/ dangerous person” lockdown procedures when that many kids are “settled in” outside. I had to go scream in to a pillow. Being a teacher is hard.

  • Reply Zoe July 17, 2020 at 6:56 pm

    “Just give them a bag of flour.” I can’t even, everything about that is the most annoying thing I’ve read today. And it’s 2020. I’ve read a lot of really annoying things today. The witches comments made me laugh and laugh.. under the matriarchy, he will be punished 🙂

  • Reply Abby July 17, 2020 at 7:43 pm

    That RadioLab was SO GOOD!

  • Reply Susan Magnolia July 17, 2020 at 7:45 pm

    I learned early on that letting my toddler/ preschooler watch Little Bear, Mr. Rogers or Sesame Street is how I got to take a shower, make dinner or lay around and be sick. There was no way I could summon guilt about it because if she was enthralled in a show I knew she wasn’t into other random things like cutting her hair with scissors or opening the front door.

  • Reply Dawnelle Thomas July 17, 2020 at 10:45 pm

    I would love it if you did a blog on organizing kids rooms and or kids eco friendly clothing shopping . I loved your book.. hoping for a seconf one someday

    • Reply Millie July 18, 2020 at 2:39 pm

      Oooo, yes, another book someday would be lovely! You know, once you have space to breathe again… maybe 2021 will be the year of margin! A girl can dream, right?

  • Reply Laura July 18, 2020 at 3:39 am

    We grew up on TV as my Mom was a widow with 3 kids , 3 jobs , no car and no washing machine. We all are intelligent with college degrees. That guy in the article has the full wrath of all of us representing the matriarchy! Great posting Erin as always.

    • Reply Christie July 18, 2020 at 4:01 pm

      Ditto! Solo, latch-key child of a single mom who worked retail at a mall 45 minutes from our home. I basically spent the time I came home from school until bed watching TV. It was my only companion from about second grade until the end of middle school. But I went on to get three degrees (Bachelors, Master’s and a J.D.) and am now a lawyer.

  • Reply Emily July 18, 2020 at 7:10 am

    We live in Georgia (US), and are hoping that our 4 year old is going to be able to start preschool this fall in a forest kindergarten. We feel so lucky that we had already been planning this before the outbreak, and before we knew it might be the only semi comfortable option we would have at this point. I definitely think outdoor classrooms need to be considered more broadly as a possible lifeline through this nightmare.

  • Reply gm July 18, 2020 at 12:11 pm

    Oh that fluffy little baby head! I miss those! My “baby” is seven now. His three older siblings all look more like my husband, with lovely olive skin and brown eyes and plenty of dark hair, but our last one makes my pallid Irish self look tan. 🙂 And by Irish, I mean really Irish— I emigrated to the US as a child— but our little guy is paler and blonder and has bluer eyes than I ever had, and he had that fuzz on this head for the longest time because in typical strawberry blonde kid fashion, it took him forever to grow any hair. 🙂 Your photo took me back.

  • Reply AR July 19, 2020 at 12:28 am

    I love Hanna Andersson also, but was so distressed to read this article today! I won’t be supporting them anymore unless things change, I’m afraid.

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE July 19, 2020 at 3:48 am

      oh dear. thanks so much for sharing. removing the link.


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