my week in objects (mostly).

October 2, 2020

1. this bowl of delicatas.

{and an oven to roast them in.}

2. this late-season salvia bloom.

{thanks to very full sun.}

3. these sneaks.

{for breaking in.}

4. these totes.

{for getting unearthed this week.}

5. these rearranged shells.

{and new ways of seeing things courtesy of a three-year-old.}

other things:

adrift and alone in dark rooms.

the overwhelming racism of covid coverage.

unequal division of labor.

lifestyle blog voter.

the ideal worker vs the good mother.

breathing space.

essential reads.

it’s not a crime to smile.


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  • Reply Dorothy Brown October 2, 2020 at 3:39 pm

    I appreciate the simple beauty and honesty of this list. Thank you for the respite. It’s been a tough week.

  • Reply Kelly October 2, 2020 at 5:52 pm

    Your posts are a balm at the end of a difficult week. Those shells! I have a four year old who did the same thing. At first I saw it as clutter on my sill, and then a few nights later I started stringing them on a stick she had also placed there and created a mobile. At 11pm, with a glass of wine, and the ability to do anything but an art project. I do love the way they open our eyes.

  • Reply Liz October 3, 2020 at 9:54 am

    Wow, that medium article is mind-blowing. And infuriating.

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