my week in objects (mostly).

May 21, 2021

1. these cosmos

{for seemingly surviving.}

2. this embroidery thread.

{and getting it ready for 7th birthday party favors.}

3. these notes.

{and making some headway on projects.}

4. this last patch.

{don’t care that it was machine sewed after so much hand-stitching. just nice to see it done.}

5. this sewing machine.

{which you already knew.}

other things:

thinking i need to make this chair. (found through claire and erica.)

eyeing carmella’s swedish blinds among other simple solutions.

june watercolors for relief in india.

ceramic knobs.

i felt out of the picture.”

gone birds.

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  • Reply Emily May 22, 2021 at 7:02 am

    I am so excited about Self Assembly! Thank you for the introduction!

  • Reply J May 23, 2021 at 4:00 pm

    We had some very similar-looking Swedish blinds (didn’t know until right now that they’re particularly Swedish haha, but we encountered them when we first moved to Stockholm so I guess that makes sense!) in our last rental (tiny) house and I thought they worked really well as a simple window treatment for gentle light-blocking and privacy. Ours were light white linen and diffused (not really blocked) the light really nicely so that we were even able to sleep quite OK in the middle of the Swedish summer. I imagine that similar blinds would be very simple to construct and use, and a heavier, darker fabric would definitely do a better job of light blocking while still being simple and unfussy to look at and open/close. 🙂

  • Reply Anna May 24, 2021 at 5:38 pm

    Hi Erin! It’s summer-ish weather now, would you consider a post on sustainable adult sun hats? I googled it and found a few articles about brands new to me, on the conscious life and style dot come site (also new to me). Thank you!

    • Reply JJ May 25, 2021 at 12:59 pm

      I opt for straw hats in the summertime. Cute and eco friendly.


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