Have a hankering to make your very own 19th century lawn game? Well! You’ve come to the right place!
I don’t remember where exactly my sisters and I got the set of graces that lives at my parents’ house. It could have been a Christmas gift the year my mom declared that all gifts given and received would be ones that could have hailed from the 19th century. Or maybe it was purchased at any one of the innumerable historic house museums where my sisters and I spent our childhoods taking the wind out of the sails of unsuspecting docents. However it got here, the game has lived in the pass-through closet next to my parents’ kitchen fireplace for the last thirty years and every summer it gets pulled out for some good old-fashioned fun.
The thing is, the game of graces really is exceedingly fun to play, even if you’re not someone who paraded around in historical dress in their formative years. If you’re up for a rollicking good time and have a few minutes to make your own fun, head to TEA NOTES for the full tutorial.
This week, the TEA NOTES version is free for everyone, but eventually I’m going to start offering these longer pieces to paid subscribers. I’ll still publish some full length pieces here, and particulars might shift as I test the waters and get the hang of things, but I’m hopeful this is a change that will ultimately allow me to spend more time with all of you!
If you’re someone with a current subscription to my blog that you’d like to transfer to the new newsletter model, send a note to erin (at) readingmytealeaves.com and I’ll help get that sorted! Huge thanks to everyone ever who has supported and championed this corner of the internet!
Saw the description on your substack notes, and I’m thinking how my family would turn this into a contact sport. . .and honestly that sounds awesome. Simple games with ample room to add house rules are fantastic. Thanks for the intro to this!
oh totally. grace NOT necessary.
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