make your own: lavender cleaning spray.

July 22, 2019
lavender vinegar cleaning spray | reading my tea leaves

If ever there is a time when a simple, kid-friendly cleaning solution is in order, it’s summertime. We’ve been dribbling peach and watermelon juice all over my parents’ back porch for weeks now. Silas’s stomach has been perpetually stained with streams of cherry juice that also leave inky splatters on floors and countertops and arm rests. With the help of bubble baths, we’ve mostly been able to get the children clean, and for just about everything else we’ve been using this simple lavender cleaning spray.

Making your own cleaning spray can sound either twee or laborious. But in most cases, it’s not much more complicated than putting inexpensive household ingredients to good work. In this case, a few cents’ worth of plain white vinegar and a little more than a dollar’s worth of dried lavender flowers. The resulting spray is excellent for quick wipe downs of walls or floors or an other surface that small grandchildren have made sticky. The lavender itself is touted for its antibacterial properties and in this application, it has the added benefit of mitigating any strong odor from the white vinegar. (For bottle and sprayer, I used an old glass bottle with a one-inch screw top and snipped the bottom of the plastic tube off a spray nozzle my mom had saved from an old spray bottle.)

lavender vinegar cleaning spray | reading my tea leaves


+ 1/2 cup dried lavender flowers

+ 1 cup white vinegar

+ 12-ounce mason jar with lid (if metal, consider using with parchment paper or cloth to avoid rust)

+ Water

+ A glass bottle with a one-inch screw top (eg.: small vinegar bottles, kombucha bottles, large condiment bottles, maple syrup bottles, etc.)

+ A plastic spray bottle nozzle (with the plastic tube snipped to fit in your bottle if need be)


+ Cover lavender flowers with vinegar and stir gently. You’ll see the color from the lavender almost immediately.

+ Cover the jar with parchment paper or lid and leave in a sunny spot to soak for three to five days.

+ Pour steeped vinegar through a small sieve or cheesecloth, straining the lavender flowers as your pour. (I used a small funnel and tiny sieve to pour my vinegar directly into a bottle with a one-inch top.)

+ Dilute the steeped vinegar in a ratio of approximately 1:2 vinegar to water.

+ Pour into a bottle, attach a spray nozzle (and hand it off to your kids to clean up their own mess!)

lavender vinegar cleaning spray | reading my tea leaves
Pour white vinegar over dried lavender flowers.
lavender vinegar cleaning spray | reading my tea leaves
Gently agitate the lavender.
lavender vinegar cleaning spray | reading my tea leaves
A light magenta color will come through almost immediately and the liquid will turn deep magenta after steeping for several days.
lavender vinegar cleaning spray | reading my tea leaves
Pour the vinegar through a sieve or cheesecloth to catch lavender flowers.
lavender vinegar cleaning spray | reading my tea leaves
Dilute your lavender-infused vinegar with fresh water.
lavender vinegar cleaning spray | reading my tea leaves

For the curious:

+ If you’re hoping to rid yourself of your paper towel habit once and for all, you can get a whole stack of cloth-alternatives for just $3.

+ I’ve mentioned before that I’m finding both kids are needing a little more coaxing into the bath lately and bubble baths have been doing the trick. We’ve been loving this Bubble Bath sent for us to try.

+ If you don’t have any bottles or sprayers in your own household stash, this is the perfect kind of thing to put in a request for on your local Buy Nothing Group. One person’s trash is another’s treasure!

This post includes affiliate links. Reading My Tea Leaves might earn a small commission on the goods purchased through those links.

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  • Reply Hannah Cain July 22, 2019 at 12:29 pm

    I’ve used diluted white vinegar to clean ever since I’ve had my own home, and I’ve dried lavender and chamomile leaves to make a baby bath wash, but I’d love to try and put them together. I’ve done orange peel vinegar, but it takes a month, and this just looks so beautiful in such a short time. I bet it’d be a good sheet spray at night as well.

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE July 22, 2019 at 12:32 pm

      Yes: such a great and simple cleaner and the lavender really does a nice job of masking the vinegar odor. That said: It is still vinegar! I don’t think I’d use this as a linen spray!

  • Reply Jay July 23, 2019 at 12:44 pm

    Is a reaction to the vinegar resulting in the lovely magenta? I would have expected something more lavender.

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE July 23, 2019 at 12:58 pm

      Yup! Science!

  • Reply Taylor July 25, 2019 at 8:49 pm

    Beautiful color! I’ve been using straight white vinegar with lavender EO drops for ten years. I wonder what the difference might be if I used dried lavender. I don’t know if the EO has this color because my bottles are always amber and too dark to see through. I’ll give it a try!

  • Reply Alessandra Massaro July 26, 2019 at 11:35 am

    Does the water have to be distilled?

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE July 26, 2019 at 12:42 pm

      I just used regular tap water, but if you’d like to use distilled, I’m sure you could!

  • Reply Bettina August 5, 2019 at 1:20 am

    Hi Erin,
    I made some last weekend and used it this weekend on my kitchen. Works fine. Thank you. (By the way, I live in a tiny appartment, too, and I love your tips and tricks.)

  • Reply Sarah March 20, 2022 at 10:59 am

    This is perhaps a silly question, but will the color from the lavender leave stains?

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE March 22, 2022 at 4:09 pm

      have never noticed that! (also haven’t used on white fabric, etc. so grains of salt required!)


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