to do list: summer’s last gasp.

September 12, 2019
summer's last gasp to-do list | reading my tea leaves

I’m slowly getting wise to the fact that the first week or two of September has become something of a moving target around here, both work-wise and kid-wise. There are new routines, earlier wake-ups, trickier bedtimes, piles of behind-the-scenes work gearing up for the busiest work season of the year, and all of it’s set against a backdrop of mild end-of-summer melancholy.

My actual to-do list is filled with contracts to review and assignments to finish—to say nothing of the laundry that’s been sitting folded in a bag for five days waiting to be put away—but here’s a to-do list of a different variety. A to-do list for replenishing your stores and buoying your spirits. Well, mine anyway. Hopefully yours, too.

summer's last gasp to-do list | reading my tea leaves

+ Balance a bowl’s worth of ripe plums into an irregular pyramid. Eat half. Save half for a torte.

+ String up some flowers.

+ Remember the stink of hot garbage emanating from the sidewalk has nearly reached time’s up.

+ Eat dinner outside while you still can.

+ Dust off your library card.

+ Make plans to strike for the planet.

+ Go for an after-dinner walk.

+ Drink more water.

+ Give something away.

+ Buy a bunch of basil, stick it a vase, eat it at every meal.

+ Go ahead and read the requested one more story. It’ll be worth it.

+ Go to sleep ten minutes earlier. Wake up ten minutes earlier. Remain hopeful this will have some kind of impact on the whirlwind that is getting out the door in the morning.

Your turn. What’s on your list?

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  • Reply Katelyn September 12, 2019 at 2:14 pm

    Sweat a little every day..!

  • Reply Tami September 12, 2019 at 2:54 pm

    Make after school time more enjoyable. For me and them. Figure out a better packing lunch situation. Be unapologetically confident in my ideas/ writing. Make alone time with husband / and other adults a real thing. Actually do some of the above.

  • Reply steph September 12, 2019 at 3:19 pm

    i love lists/this! i’m clutching hard onto summer until the official equinox and still working on this seasonal list:
    happily i’ve already done a lot so mostly working on repeats – pesto forever!

  • Reply littleheathers September 12, 2019 at 7:02 pm

    I just downloaded the iNaturalist app. I’m hoping to observe and be able to identify fauna & flora species more on my walks!

  • Reply Maggie September 13, 2019 at 8:30 am

    Appreciate the morning sunlight
    Ride my bicycle
    Enjoy the dahlias
    Eat lunch in the sun
    Listen to the leaves
    Put down the phone
    Light a candle

  • Reply Hannah Bullivant September 13, 2019 at 10:24 am

    I’m hoping to hold on to summer a little longer, but i’m also pretty excited about Autumn too! Already cracked the duvet out and feeling pretty happy about it. My list is over here

  • Reply Mackenzie September 13, 2019 at 4:10 pm

    Drinking more water is on my list as well. Why is it so hard to do sometimes? 🙂

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