
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #114. When there aren’t enough chairs, put your plate on your lap.  This is a photo of my mom on her wedding day, eating from her lap. Extreme cuteness of my mom aside,…

    November 19, 2014 10 Comments
  • giving: edible gifts

    Whether you make them yourself, or rely on the experts to make them for you, giving gifts that can be gobbled is a sure-fire way to win over a minimalist’s heart. Heck, it’s a…

    November 18, 2014 12 Comments
  • windward made: a giveaway.

    I’ve never been to Inge’s workshop in the Netherlands, but if the world headquarters of Windward Made is not the coziest spot on the planet, I’d be surprised. Inge is the “designer, maker, and everything-elser”…

    November 17, 2014 185 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. this light. {because it’s the first time we’re seeing november in this apartment. it’s kind of lovely. and very orange.} 2. this new-to-us mattress. {because my…

    November 14, 2014 4 Comments
  • giving: fewer gifts, more thought.

    If the title of this post just sent you into a panic, I’m sorry. All of this less-is-more, quality-over-quantity business can start to sound like a dictum from some gift-giving guru with unattainable standards,…

    November 11, 2014 15 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. this birthday card. {because it’s a birthday weekend for my mom and james. which means cake.} 2. this cheese. {because it was stinky in a good…

    November 7, 2014 9 Comments
  • giving: a gift guide series for minimalists.

    Or minimalist-hopefuls. Or friends of minimalists. Everyone’s invited. We’re just at the tippy tippy top of November. But the snowflake lights are strung up on the streets near our apartment, the hardware store shelves…

    November 4, 2014 35 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. this beautiful honey. {because it tastes like blackberry and lotus and was a gift from a special visitor to new york. we’re rich in honey these…

    October 31, 2014 11 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week: 1. this bread. {because james is basically on a bread-making bender at this stage. pretty good for everyone involved.} 2. this book. {because i’ve only just begun…

    October 24, 2014 9 Comments