
  • simple stuff: a stainless steel water dispenser.

    It’s a habit shift, it’s apartment progress, it’s baby proof in a family where the youngest baby is a walking, talking two-year-old calling her dad…Jimmy. It’s a stainless steel water dispenser, otherwise known as…

    June 16, 2022 18 Comments
  • make your own: braided rag rug.

    Five years since receiving and test-driving a bunch of new bed sheets , we find ourselves with a glut of ripped sheets. It started as a slow wear, a kind of general softening and…

    March 28, 2022 42 Comments
  • apartment progress: a place to sit.

    On Friday nights we order pizza and watch a family movie, which means that for at least a portion of the evening—before dishes beckon from the kitchen or our two-year-old loses her will to…

    March 14, 2022 11 Comments
  • things i will do in march.

    I have an email in my inbox calling me an eco-warrior. I should write back to say I know nothing about war. Last night I toasted red pepper flakes and forgot them in the…

    March 2, 2022 4 Comments
  • make your own: paper petal press.

    I regret to inform you that it’s still January. Happily, Rose Pearlman is back with a tutorial that might help us to pass the time or otherwise forget our woes. I have to be…

    January 26, 2022 10 Comments
  • ’tis the season.

    For consumerist dread? I like to fill this space with ideas for merry making and simple festivities, especially in this time of year. To me, conjuring a bit of reverence and a bit of…

    December 15, 2021 17 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. black tea. {don’t know. just been on a kick this week.} 2. this idea for a little mouse. {for being the best addition for a v. low-key advent calendar.} 3. these little pots…

    December 10, 2021 7 Comments
  • paperwhite season.

    It’s paperwhite season, which means it’s time for setting bulbs in jam jars or bowls or any small vessel you happen to have, and sticking them on a windowsill so you have something to…

    December 8, 2021 19 Comments
  • make your own: origami folder.

    I’ve been encouraging folks to skip physical presents in favor of experiential ones for long enough to know that sometimes the barrier to folks following through with the idea lies in the presentation. It’s…

    December 1, 2021 3 Comments
  • at this table.

    At this table we sing with joy, with sorrow. We pray of suffering and remorse. We give thanks. Perhaps the world will end at the kitchen table, while we are laughing and crying, eating…

    November 24, 2021 6 Comments