Tip #20: Unpack your bag. like most of these tips, i’m of the opinion that this is something you should do even if the place you call home is a 90,000 square-foot atrocity villa. trips…
Tip #19: Buy in bulk. i’m not talking about 45 rolls of toilet paper in one go. if there’s one thing that living in a tiny apartment has done for us, it’s been to…
Tip #18: Sweat the small stuff. that’s terrible advice. i know. especially from me. i sweat a lot of small stuff and a lot of that sweating only makes me…sweaty. but still, there are some…
Tip #17: Get a tool box. Use it for tools. i’m a woman and i write a blog. it’s not a blog about art or culture or oral history or historic preservation or any…
Tip #17: Find a really cute lady or gent to share your apartment with. ooh, just kidding. gratuitous shot of dreamy boyfriend + actual tip: treat the whole dang city like it’s your…
Tip #15: Buy a fan.* Make it one you like. Clean it often.three tips for the price of one.beyond the difficult-to-reach window in our bathroom, we have just one small window in our apartment.…
Tip #14: Paint your apartment–or ask your landlord to paint it–before you move in. let me start this off by saying that we have a really nice landlord. he’s friendly. he’s flexible. this post…
Tip #13: Buy baskets with lids. maybe this doesn’t seem like a very good tip, but i’m telling you, it’s useful. before we moved into this apartment, james and i had about 10 different…
Tip #12: Get a tiny dish rack.or forgo one altogether.you’ll notice that this is mostly a photograph of an empty sink.* this is not an accident.dirty dishes–and i’m taking this one step further–drying dishes…
Tip #11: Wash your windows.oh, the irony–a photo with the tell-tale sign of pollen lingering on a dusty screen. but i assure you, it gets worse and the difference between this shot and what…