Our two older kids played outside in the courtyard, unattended, for two hours before dinner yesterday. They were joined by neighbor friends and the hours passed with only minor injury to either body or…
There’s a mouse, or something else alive, scrabbling around our living room wall. It’s almost a comfort at this point—though I wouldn’t want to meet it—that this unseen tiny neighbor is keeping warm after…
I’m having my yearly run-in with September allergies and accordingly have convinced myself no fewer than three times this week that I’ve lost my sense of smell and have been stricken with that-which-shall-not-be-named. It’s…
It’s been steamy in Brooklyn this week. Steamy and sweaty with sun that forces you off your regular route in search of shade. The hydrangeas have started poking their way out from between wrought…
I took a serotonin walk this morning—one of those long late winter walks defined by continually criss-crossing streets to stay on the sunny side. The temperature has been climbing, thank goodness. Crocuses are popping…
1. this olive tree. {for blooming.} 2. this book. {for escaping.} 3. these carnations. {for cheering.} 4. this desk support. {for existing.} 5. this ponytail. {for no longer being on my head.} other things:…
I am working from the floor of my kids’ room. My baby, who is nearly one, is on the large rug in front of me, searching, it seems, for objects in the room that…
James gave me an olive tree for Christmas. A peace offering, maybe. Or an assurance that despite the wreck of a year that we’ve had, we can care for something together and watch it…
I am writing this from a patch of sunlight in our apartment. I’m no good at waiting, but the sunshine is helping and so, embarrassingly, is the insipid sticky note I smacked on the…
My kids are hunting for pumpkins on neighborhood walks these days. The rainbow signs made in April are still hanging in apartment windows but the construction paper has faded and the edges have curled…