When it comes to keeping a wardrobe filled with a modest collection of only the most loved, most useful, and most flattering articles of clothing, activewear is a category that often gets left out…
Not that swimsuit edition. Summer is upon us, and so are swimsuits. Well, maybe. Current states of dress notwithstanding, let me be clear about one thing: this isn’t a post about having a perfect body.…
Yesterday, technically, was Earth Day. Tomorrow, technically, is Fashion Revolution Day. Today might very well be National Sparkly Shoe Day. It seems there are no shortage of days to commemorate something or other lately.…
A minimalist wardrobe is not by definition an expensive wardrobe. There are minimalist wardrobes out there that consist of five ragged t-shirts and three pairs of threadbare jeans. This wardrobe is not mine, and…
January – March 2015 Here’s an unshopping update. It’s all bare ankles and hints of spring around here lately. Thank goodness. Yesterday, unpacking from a weekend away felt like the perfect time to do…
I thought it was only fitting in a week when I wrote about breastfeeding to also write about the wardrobe needed to accommodate such a job. I realize that this post will only serve…
It’s been a cold winter in New York, but that’s nothing especially newsworthy and I’m not one to complain about the snow. This weekend, James and I tromped around for hours in the wintry…
Last week some of very closest friends in the world gathered together to celebrate the wedding of one of our dearests.More suprising than the fact that all of us are still friends, is the…
Full disclosure: I’m not what you—or a fashion magazine—might call a “bag girl.” Give me some waxed canvas in the shape of a tote, add an interior pocket or two and a sturdy handle and…
Loungewear. There’s a word I say absolutely never. You know what I do say? Cozy clothes. I have a cozy clothes drawer. It lives in James’s dresser. That makes it sound like I’m impinging…