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  • a neighborhood visit.

    A few weeks ago, James and I snapped a few photos of our neighborhood for a mini travel guide to some of our favorite spots in Brooklyn Heights. It felt so good to get out…

    September 3, 2014 3 Comments
  • back to work.

    As many of you likely know, I’ve been the associate editor of Gardenista since last May. Getting to be fully entrenched in the land of gardening and working with a terrific group of editors…

    August 21, 2014 18 Comments
  • bennington potters mug


    GIRL | Erin Boyle from Girl Gift Gather on Vimeo. On a very chilly March afternoon a few weeks ago, I took a little bit of time to venture into the belly of Brooklyn…

    April 28, 2014 22 Comments
  • summer buggies.

    I’m paranoid about my woollies. There have been too many winters where I’ve pulled a wool something-or-other out of a closet only to find that it’d been eaten alive in the off-season. Truth is:…

    July 18, 2013 8 Comments
  • going (crazy) without air conditioning.

    It’s easy to write about going without air conditioning in May. In the weeks before Memorial Day, when the nights are still cool and the air is still moving, it’s easy to imagine a…

    June 25, 2013 22 Comments
  • home, anywhere.

    For every bit of me that’s itching to travel, to pack things up and head out for some grand new adventure, there’s a part of me that really likes to be at home. It’s…

    May 7, 2013 14 Comments
  • turning off the lights.

    Over the weekend, James and I celebrated Earth Hour. Maybe celebrate is too joyous of a term. Perhaps I should be saying that we observed Earth Hour instead. That sounds awfully dour. In any…

    March 25, 2013 30 Comments
  • daffodils and other things.

    On my walk this morning, there were snowflakes. I tired to imagine that what I was seeing were white spring blossoms falling from the sky, but there was no mistaking the chill on my…

    March 21, 2013 9 Comments
  • starting seeds.

    Even though today is the dreariest day on record–well if it it isn’t, it must be awfully close–there’s a tiny spot of spring in this apartment that I’ve been doing my very best to…

    March 12, 2013 7 Comments
  • holiday decorations for a tiny apartment.

    At long last, a few shots of wintry decorations in our tiny apartment. This year, instead of a tree, I opted for wintery greenery of a more miniature kind: tiny swags, fir clippings in…

    December 13, 2012 22 Comments