The blues around here have been awfully pretty lately. I toted my camera around yesterday, only to discover that I’d accidentally drained the battery. Here instead, photos from my phone of a bluesy Brooklyn…
Anyone who tells you that the Oregon coast is always gloomy lacks experience, or at the very least, imagination. When the sun’s not shining golden, the sky glows silver instead, offering the senses a…
Every once in a while it’s good to disappear. To pull on your coziest fleece, to tie on your sneakers, to escape into the woods or underneath the covers or anywhere that gives you…
Saturday was our one year wedding anniversary. And when the morning rain thwarted our plans for an afternoon sail around the harbor, we made new ones. An afternoon movie at the Paris theater. This…
It’s a good time of year, this one we’re in right now. It’s not the midsummer of the summer equinox, but the midsummer that means it’s the beginning of August and fully half the…
Cucumber, lime, jalapeno and rose petals, with a splash of gin added for good measure. I made the mistake of thinking I needed them to be more liquid-y, and instead of adding more gin,…
Face stuff. That’s the term that I use for all the products that I put–or don’t put–on my face. We’ve been over this before. I barely use soap on my face, let alone gunk up my…
Another heatwave, another weekend in Connecticut. I haven’t taken as much advantage of slipping away for the weekend since I was in college and homesick. But when you sleep in a tiny loft without…
This morning’s been a study in learning how to take photographs in a very dark apartment and waking up early for peaches. I wanted to get to the farmers’ market in our neighborhood while…
We have family friends that refer to James as Turtle Boy. Seven summers ago when I returned to my hometown after a summer spent working falling in love on Jekyll Island, Georgia, I made an…