It already feels like full-on summer around here, but the roses remind us of the month it is. Across the street an elderly neighbor has been tending to her immodest beauties. I’ve yet to…
The first time that I walked outside of our apartment after spending nearly three weeks inside, it was after dark. The moon was full, which I didn’t know until I’d marveled at the white…
The first of the neighborhood roses and these words: 1 Only now, in spring, can the place be named: tulip poplar, daffodil, crab apple, dogwood, budding pink-green, white-green, yellow on my knowing. All winter…
five little things that made my week.1. this door. {because what’s better than a door that opens in half?}2. these roses.{brought to me by our neighbor for the next few weeks.}3. these other roses.{and…
twelve little things that made my year. 1. a cardamom cake for the polar vortex in january. 2. a new apartment in february. 3. a deep dark makeover in march. 4. baby prep in…
five little things that made my week. 1. these pajama pants. {because sometimes starting the morning’s work in pajamas feels pretty okay. ‘specially clean and pretty ones}. 2. this summer fruit. {because it was…
this weekend marked one year since james and i first looked for apartments in brooklyn. a year ago i had just been offered a job, i hadn’t yet finished grad school and we had…