Tip #25: Organize your closet. now, this post is a little bit tricky. wooden hangers are, admittedly, not the most space-saving of closet storage options. there’s no denying that they’re wide and bulky, regardless…
Tip #24: Make the bed. i get a lot of questions about how two of us survive life in our luxurious loft. since we’re busy getting married this week, i thought a tip about…
Tip #23: Take out your recycling. i know we’ve talked about garbage already. and two weeks ago we talked about cutting down on bathroom supplies to reduce waste and improve sanity, but it occured…
Tip #22: Hold on to what you love, part with what you don’t. when we first moved into this tiny space, we were nervous about which of our biggest pieces of furniture we’d have…
Tip #21: Limit your grooming supplies. jessie wrote last week with a question about how we handle our bathroom storage, so i decided i would indulge, heinous photograph and all. i really wish that…
Tip #20: Unpack your bag. like most of these tips, i’m of the opinion that this is something you should do even if the place you call home is a 90,000 square-foot atrocity villa. trips…
Tip #19: Buy in bulk. i’m not talking about 45 rolls of toilet paper in one go. if there’s one thing that living in a tiny apartment has done for us, it’s been to…
Tip #18: Sweat the small stuff. that’s terrible advice. i know. especially from me. i sweat a lot of small stuff and a lot of that sweating only makes me…sweaty. but still, there are some…
Tip #17: Get a tool box. Use it for tools. i’m a woman and i write a blog. it’s not a blog about art or culture or oral history or historic preservation or any…
Tip #17: Find a really cute lady or gent to share your apartment with. ooh, just kidding. gratuitous shot of dreamy boyfriend + actual tip: treat the whole dang city like it’s your…