The colored pencil to-do list that I wrote this morning was filled with emails to send, and taxes to file, and bills to pay. There was nary an Easter egg to dye, for shame,…
1. this little boat. {inspired by these beauties. ps. i made a new board to stockpile inspiration for project requests from a certain almost-five-year-old.} 2. this spirea. {and its jaunty little contrast against a…
1. this painting {and the kid who painted it.} 2. this net bag {filled with flavors to brighten a march meal.} 3. these blossoms. {i’ll just never get bored of them.} 4. this little…
The first of the neighborhood roses and these words: 1 Only now, in spring, can the place be named: tulip poplar, daffodil, crab apple, dogwood, budding pink-green, white-green, yellow on my knowing. All winter…
On top of muddy grass, picnic blankets. Under skirts, bare legs. Along the window ledge, birds. At bedtime, blue skies. On rooftops, pink wine. Curbside, treasures. In new shoes, blisters. On young minds, wish…
Becoming a parent has made me realize just how much of young childhood is centered around the seasons and celebrating them. (Thank goodness.) Of course, celebrating seasonal change was already very much my bag,…
Along iron fences, crocuses. Under fingernails, dirt. In bedtime stories, fairies. Across midnight skies, geese calls. In salads, hardboiled eggs (tinged pink and green and blue). At 5pm, sunlight. On top of dressers, daffodils.…
five little things that made my week. 1. these dogwood blossoms. {for being bedside.} 2. these pickled onions. {for making three different meals much more lively.} 3. these dried chick peas. {and silas’s tiny…
+ Colorful Easter Eggs. Purple cabbage for blue, turmeric for yellow, beets for red, you’ll have the deepest jewel-toned eggs on the block (or, if you time it right, the palest pastels). + Spring bulbs.…
Spring is here, even if it hasn’t quite gotten the memo that that might mean bringing warmer temperatures along with it. (I walked to to work with my socks off last week and nearly froze…