1. these pockets. {and filling them.} 2. this oatmeal. {and the extra big bowlful.} 3. these well-loved gardening supplies. {and eager planters very ready for spring.} 4. this card game. {and one late night…
This is partially an ode to my favorite road trip pastime of sitting shotgun and pointing out places to pull off the road and gather wildflowers. And partially an ode to the ability to…
Tip #104: Fill Your Apartment with Tiny Flowers.Tap, tap. Is this thing on?Life since Faye has been a bit too lively for me to pay much attention to this series, but James’s family came…
Like anything in dwindling supply, each sunlit hour of an October day is more precious than the one before it. Relatedly, James and I finally made it to Roosevelt Island a few weeks ago.…
It seems almost ridiculous to say it, but one of the things I miss about life outside the city is the flowers. If you follow me on instagram (and even around these tea leaves),…
the best part about a night away from the city? the treats you get to bring back with you. in this case, flowers from my mom’s garden. i’ve more or less abandoned my bouquet…
yesterday: a quick trip to my parents’ house to pick up my bicycle, commune with the flowers, and eat dinner at the beach. and the real upside? working on the weekends means jaunts to…
five little things that made my week. a little late, but here all the same. 1. this bag of cranberries. {as if you couldn’t tell already}. 2. these wildflowers. {from my mom’s wildflower garden…
nothing new here. just something good. summer’s last scraggly wildflowers from my parents’ yard. this weekend: a trip to the coast to read and watch james surf. a sisterly birthday celebration. dinner on my…
even when i’m far from home, i can’t resist the pull of a good field of wildflowers. just like back in rhode island, the fields across from where we’re staying are filled with clover and…