za’atar popcorn.

September 22, 2015

za'atar popcorn | reading my tea leavesHere’s an advantage to hunting for the coriander seeds in the back of the spice cabinet: becoming reacquainted with the za’atar.

I try not to keep too many underused spices in my cabinet. They go bad for one thing. And they take up too much room for another. More on all that tomorrow.

The point of today’s post is a simple PSA. Put za’atar on it. Your popcorn, that is. Or anything else you want to taste good.

Me personally, I’m on a popcorn kick lately. I get late-night—9:00 pm—cravings for a little something crunchy and before I know it I’m firing up the stove and setting a few kernals to pop.

I still swear by the stovetop variety that I first wrote about six years ago and which I’ve since mastered.

Here’s the basic approach:

+ Heat a tablespoon or two of oil (coconut or canola preferably) with three kernals of corn.
+ Once the three kernals pop, add another 1/3 of a cup or so to the hot oil.
+ Cover.
+ Shake.
+ Remove from the heat after the loudest flurry of popping has subsided.

Lately I’ve been seasoning the end result with a little sea salt and a healthy sprinkle of za’atar. I get my za’atar from Middle Eastern grocery store in our neighborhood. The basic recipe is a mixture of spices: thyme, oregano, marjoram, sesame seeds and salt. Heidi Swanson has a recipe on her blog that includes sumac in case you you’re interested in making your own.

However you get it, sprinkle a little on your popcorn and snack happy.

And you? Snacking PSAs to share?

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  • Reply Mahallia Ward September 22, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    Great idea! I love za-atar! I've been putting tahini on everything lately. Or a poached egg. Suppose that's more for meals than snacking but makes everything (pastas, stir fries, toast, tacos) taste amazing! Your blog is often the first thing I read in the morning and it always makes me feel the best combination of calm and inspired. Thank you.

    • Reply admin September 22, 2015 at 4:44 pm

      Thaks, Mahalllia! Glad to hear that!

  • Reply Allie September 22, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    I love cinnamon and paprika on my popcorn – such a perfect combination! But I'll definitely be trying za'tar this weekend!

  • Reply jenn @ beyond the stoop September 22, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    I JUST bought a giant container of zaatar with the intentions of trying it on popcorn. I've been popping my kernals sans oil in a brown paper bag in the microwave… but I haven't found the best way to make anything stick to them yet… thinking about testing out a Misto again to spray the oil more evenly!

    • Reply admin September 22, 2015 at 4:43 pm

      Funny! Enjoy!

    • Reply joan September 23, 2015 at 11:34 am

      I always have paper lunch bags handy so I too can make the popcorn in the microwave. I do melt a bit of butter in a separate small container. Pour it on after the popcorn is done. Anything will stick then. 🙂
      I have not mastered the art of popping on the stove top. Have tried a few times though!

  • Reply Rona Mitchell September 22, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    I have got a gas stove with a cast-iron frame over it and have been too scared to try popping corn on it….is this reasonable? Any help/opinions on the matter welcome!

    • Reply admin September 22, 2015 at 4:43 pm

      Hey Rona! We have a gas stove too! Is that the fear? Or is there something else you're worried about?

    • Reply Rona Mitchell September 23, 2015 at 7:24 am

      When we make popcorn at my parents house we 'shake' the pot by sliding it up and down the electric hob, but if I did that on my gas stove then it would generate sparks. Do you just shake the pot in the air?

    • Reply admin September 23, 2015 at 11:50 am

      Ah, got it! I cover mine, shake, set it back down for a 20 seconds or so, lift and shake, set it back down, lift and shake, etc. It's an upper body workout ;)!

  • Reply Martha September 26, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    I haven't shaken mine ever since Soulemama said she doesn't! Just a jiggle to make sure all the popcorn is under the oil and that is it. Have you tried Seven Spoons' spicy herby popcorn? It is my favourite for after the kids are to bed and it is a big hit at parties. The combo of rosemary and cayenne and demerara sugar is unexpected in a good way!

  • Reply Martha September 26, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    I haven't shaken mine ever since Soulemama said she doesn't! Just a jiggle to make sure all the popcorn is under the oil and that is it. Have you tried Seven Spoons' spicy herby popcorn? It is my favourite for after the kids are to bed and it is a big hit at parties. The combo of rosemary and cayenne and demerara sugar is unexpected in a good way!

    • Reply admin September 27, 2015 at 11:56 pm

      Ah, yes! Didn't mean to imply that I stand there shaking. Definitely more of a one-time shake or, "jiggle" to get things good and coated and then waiting to listen for the end of the popping!

  • Reply Miriam December 6, 2015 at 9:42 pm

    Wow, thank you for posting. We just tried this for the 9:15 munchies that inevitably hit after an early dinner for the kids. My partner wasn’t a big fan of the za’atar but that just meant more for me. It was delicious!

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