make-believe: rainy winter ramble.

January 19, 2023

In an alternate reality I meet gray, rainy winter days with good spirits, sartorial preparedness, and a cup of warm tea to take the chill off. The truth is, I did recently decide to invest in a Fairechild raincoat of my own after years of my kids being better protected from downpours than I am. I’m extremely looking forward to it working its magic and turning me into a person who’s less grumpy about January rainfalls. At any rate, I’ll be drier in them.

Other things to accompany a rainy daydream:

A raincoat with a drawstring hood.

Hemp wellies for puddle splashing.

A flannel dress for keeping cozy (plus my favorite tights).

A pack pack for travels far and near.

A copy of Our Kindred Home to return home to.*

Plus a woodsy bowl for an afternoon snack.

A spot of tea and an electric kettle to make it with (ps!).

* Alyson Morgan‘s beautiful new book is currently available for pre-order!

Where possible, this post includes affiliate links to online shops. Reading My Tea Leaves might earn a small commission on the goods purchased through those links



In an effort to ground this make-believing in something much more down to earth, here’s something to do today:

From where I write this post, with three sick kids by my side and nary a rainy adventure to splash through, I’ve got Chamber of Mothers on my mind. They’re a nonprofit organization dedicated to championing the work of existing advocacy groups, educating mothers about the personal impact of politics, and encouraging women to use their voices, dollars, and power to hold lawmakers accountable for the nexus of failed or nonexistent support systems for mothers. Their advocacy work focuses on paid family and medical leave, maternal health, and childcare and folks can support their mission by signing up for their newsletter, making a donation, and following their work on social media.

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  • Reply Claire January 20, 2023 at 12:18 pm

    I really enjoyed revisiting that Alyson Morgan interview – thanks for all you do and how long you’ve been doing it!

  • Reply Celeste January 20, 2023 at 12:35 pm

    I knew gas was bad but I did *not* know that the gas industry was behind that slogan. Really disconcerting! Love these suggestions and the donation opportunity.

  • Reply D January 22, 2023 at 4:43 pm

    The spoons have come home.

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