• habit shift: mending clothes.

    Over the weekend, James and I sorted through the zipped bag of kids’ clothing we keep on the highest shelf in the closet. It’s the time of year for dewrinkling shorts and sundresses that…

    April 27, 2023 27 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. this peeler (and parmesan). 2. hot orange geraniums (and open windows). 3. pea shoots! 4. string lights (back up). 5. lilac syrup. other things: peachblow. so what? rethinking quilt names. for the people.…

    April 23, 2023 3 Comments
  • our kindred home.

    Last night as I turned off lights and tucked kids into bed, I caught a whiff of lilacs. A neighbor’s lilac bush was blowing its heady perfume three doors over and two stories up,…

    April 20, 2023 3 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. these earplugs. 2. this bag sewn from old pants (with help from this book). 3. this pocket for flashcards. 4. a kid’s first solo knitting project. 5. a family fridge calendar (and ending…

    March 31, 2023 9 Comments
  • make-believe: spring sowing.

    This morning, the neighbor’s blooming magnolia tree was illuminated by the glow of their bathroom light. Seen through a tangle of still-bare branches, the pink and golden were a welcome reminder of all the…

    March 29, 2023 4 Comments
  • high need for closure.

    a label that pulls cleanly off the glass jar a load of laundry where every sock has a match a bag of rice that empties perfectly into the jar a finished row of stitches…

    March 1, 2023 19 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. neighbor-borrowed puzzle. 2. neighbor-delivered ivy. 3. me-made tiny toothbrushing timer. 4. mom-sent kisses. 5. jasmine! other things: bonne maman summer camp struggle. let our household items age gracefully! sounds like a cult. (also:…

    February 3, 2023 4 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. this jar of broth, and the others. 2. this punchy project. 3. this old favorite workhorse, back in heavy rotation. 4. this overnight treatment. 5. this kid, and the others, home sick again,…

    January 27, 2023 16 Comments
  • neighbors.

    James makes soup. It looks anemic, but I do not say so. I submerge spoonfuls of olive oil-soaked parsley. I squeeze in more lemon juice and watch flaky salt melt into the golden marbled…

    January 24, 2023 11 Comments
  • make-believe: rainy winter ramble.

    In an alternate reality I meet gray, rainy winter days with good spirits, sartorial preparedness, and a cup of warm tea to take the chill off. The truth is, I did recently decide to…

    January 19, 2023 3 Comments