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  • make your own: sand removing powder.

    This summer I’m packing a secret potion in my tote in the form of cornstarch. Not cornstarch and anything, just cornstarch plain and simple for getting sand out from between toes (and other bodily…

    July 15, 2019 11 Comments
  • my weeks in objects (mostly).

    1. this back porch. {and eating every meal on it.} 2. this necklace addition. {because, summer.} 3. this dresser drawer. {because unpacking things into drawers is the best travel trip there is.} 4. this…

    July 5, 2019 10 Comments
  • get outta town.

    Today’s my birthday so I’m cutting out early, packing a bag for the long weekend, and leaving you guys with a list of some of my favorite summertime posts. May your weekends include mosquito…

    July 1, 2015 13 Comments
  • make-believe: the beach at high noon

    Having a baby in the summer is wonderful for all kinds of reasons, but it does complicate midday beach-going a touch. There’s the blazing sun and new baby skin to navigate, not to mention…

    August 12, 2014 5 Comments
  • make-believe: wave watching.

    i’ve always had something of an overly active imagination. in that spirit, a new series imagining accompaniments for favorite pastimes. not saying i need any of these things, but sometimes it’s fun to imagine…

    May 31, 2012 14 Comments
  • playing hooky.

    james and i hopped in the car this morning and headed out to long beach for a morning dip. ok, so the water’s not quite warm enough for a dip that doesn’t involve a…

    April 16, 2012 11 Comments
  • prints.

    one day this past fall james and i took a drive down to newport. when we arrived there i realized i had left home without the battery in my camera. we decided to make…

    January 27, 2011 28 Comments
  • getting out.

    this time of year my impulse to snuggle up under a blanket is markedly greater than any impulse to get out in the world and explore. but braving the icy winds for a winters…

    January 10, 2011 17 Comments
  • fried.

    this might be my first cruel post on this little blog. i’m not sure that i’ve mentioned this here before, but my james is allergic to potatoes. yes. you read that correctly. no hash…

    June 2, 2010 15 Comments
  • my year in objects (mostly).

    twelve little things that made up my year.1. the beach in january.2. paper hearts in february.3. a trip to texas in march.4. jasmine in april.5. our hammock in may.6. an island adventure in june.…

    December 31, 2009 26 Comments