As it is with all things sourdough, our humble homemade beeswax taper operation is entirely James’s domain. I’ve long been the wax scrap hoarder and re-melter and tea light pourer and I’ve rolled more…
1. this sprouted onion. {because sometimes neglect turns into something very lovely, don’t you think?} 2. this basket. {for making a little traveling zone for future diaper changes.} 3. these tiny rolled up candles.…
1. this bundle of candles. {ready and raring to go.} 2. this creamy elixir. {the heat is on, the temps have dropped, i’ve been wearing this nightly and loving it.} 3. these child-height utensils.…
1. this crate. {that i finally retrieved from my old office, and carried home with a few helpful things for the next five months.} 2. this pile of silks. {for coming through for the…
1. this little pumpkin. {for getting carried home in a backpack from grammy and grandpa’s house.} 2. this tank. {for saving me as i hit the awkward stage with a belly that’s not so…
Growing up, I’d light luminaria with my Uncle Ralph on Christmas Eve. He’d have filled the bottoms of white paper bags with beach sand and lined them up along the edge of his street.…
Tomorrow, fall, which seems deserving of celebration in spite of everything. I’ve always been something of a season watcher. It’s worth the moment to marvel, I think, at the way the light changes in…
On these nights where the dark is beginning to creep in sooner and sooner, a candle keeps the funk at bay. And oh the funk, it’s coming on stronger now.My very favorite kind of…
As a child on Christmas Eve, I’d lie awake, in keeping with the cliché, waiting to see if I’d catch a glimpse of Santa Claus and his reindeer dashing across the night sky. I’d…
I know I talk a lot about needing a little extra light during these dark days, but I don’t think it’s a sentiment that can be too often repeated. Especially in the wake of…