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  • apartment progress: a place to sit.

    On Friday nights we order pizza and watch a family movie, which means that for at least a portion of the evening—before dishes beckon from the kitchen or our two-year-old loses her will to…

    March 14, 2022 11 Comments
  • rewiring an old lamp.

    Folks will try to tell you that minimalists are void of sentimentality, but allow me to introduce myself. For me, I think have the reason why I end up eschewing lots of things is…

    August 3, 2021 11 Comments
  • going to sleep in a room of our own.

    This post is sponsored by Brooklinen. Carving out a second bedroom in this new apartment has been one of the most restorative projects of the past year. Before we moved in September, it had…

    March 23, 2021 13 Comments
  • beeswax tapers FAQ.

    As it is with all things sourdough, our humble homemade beeswax taper operation is entirely James’s domain. I’ve long been the wax scrap hoarder and re-melter and tea light pourer and I’ve rolled more…

    December 16, 2020 38 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. this bowl of grapes.  {for being on our table again, just like clockwork.} 2. these works in progress. {and a good way to put this lunch…

    September 21, 2018 11 Comments