there’s an abandoned fruit and vegetable warehouse at the end of our street. {i adore its old painted sign, but that deserves another post all on its own}. last week i was on a little afternoon jaunt and stumbled across this old fridge in its back lot. isn’t it lovely? i know, it’s all rusty but that just makes me love it all the more. this weekend when i went back for a second peek it was gone.
there used to be a store in my hometown that sold big chill fridges. you know the ones, they’re big and beautiful and made to look like old-school fridgedaires. so what do you think? too fake-o? better to snap photos of pretty old fridges and invest in eco-friendlier versions for our own hypothetical kitchens? do you love or do you hate?

{photos courtesy of big chill fridge}
I love…… and the photos you got of the old guy….. pure fantasticness! Glad you got them before it took off! 🙂
I do love the look of an old fridge, but I would go new:)
i just started laughing to myself!! the thought popped into my head that my kids would ask me, “What’s that?”
technology just moves too fast! but, I do love blogging on my computer 🙂
I like your pictures of the old fridge – I wonder where it went? The antiques shop I work in shares space with a cupcake shop and they have a pink Big Chill. It gets soooo many comments. I think they are great!
I LOVE! So much. I would get one in a heart beat.
That old fridge is fantastic, it almost looks like a movie prop or something! I love those Big Chill fridges, and if you’re looking to purchase a new one, it has my vote 🙂
I think old fridges are FABLOUS! I would love to get one for my house.
How fortunate to have gotten those fantastic photographs before it was gone. The Big Chill fridges are so adorable…maybe they will start making energy efficient ones, the best of both.
WOW! Beauty in the most surprising spots! I love it too!
hmmm…I love these but ya gotta think Energy Star appliances all the way. I wonder how the Big Chills rate, Mother-Earthwise? We saw some similar Northstar ones in Austin at Callahan’s General Store. They are awesome, too (the stoves are even more fun), and they’re Energy-Star-compliant, but they do have a high-end price tag. Check ’em out at
fantastic photos of the fridge, i can see why you like it so much.
Why don’t they make fridges like works of line-inspired art anymore? Thankfully there’s the Big Chill! I too am concerned about the energy-efficiency of old fridges, but I am investing in a Big Chill as soon as the hubs and I buy our first house.
those shots of the old fridge are amazing!!
i like the old school fridges muchly, and to have a new but retro-inspired and energy effiecient has got to be the best!
I really like the new retro fridges because they are beautiful and efficient. That said, I saw an authentic old fridge, like the one you took a photo of, in the garage of a man who used to own an antique store. He said he would never part with it. Not sure what he was using it for as I assumed it wasn’t working anymore.
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